Picture of human teeth before and after dental treatment - beforeafter series.03

Comprehensive dental treatment

Bruxism is a day or night excessive parafunctional activity, characterized by grinding, clenching and abrasion of the patient’s own teeth. Recent studies show that over 50% of people suffer from bruxism.Due to the excessive loss of hard dental tissues called pathological clash, there may be some disorders related to the proper functioning of the whole stomatognathic system (temporomandibular joint, muscles, teeth) resulting in tooth-related pain (hypersensitivity, tooth decay, tooth breakage) ), muscles-related pain (headaches, neck pain), impairment of chewing function and change of facial aesthetics.Comprehensive treatment includes detailed diagnostics, aesthetic analysis, performance of temporary work, and after the adaptation period – the final restoration. To protect the work done, it is also necessary to make a stabilizing rail.Welcome to a dental office called Estetic Dent in Wieliczka.

Kompleksowe leczenie obejmuje szczegółową diagnostykę, analizę estetyczną, wykonanie pracy tymczasowej, a po okresie adaptacji uzupełnienia ostateczne. Do ochrony wykonanej pracy konieczne jest również wykonanie szyny stabilizującej.

Zapraszamy do gabinetu stomatologicznego Estetic Dent w Wieliczce